
Get the Wheels Moving – People, Process & Inventory

Now that we’ve talked about better understanding your numbers and managing your cash, we can talk more about your processes and products. This week, we’ll dive farther into the groundwork that needs to be done with people, processes, and inventory. People & Process With so many software and channel options available to you today, it’s […]

Get the Wheels Moving – Financial Data & Cash Management

You’ve built out the basics. You’ve checked off the initial boxes on taxes and compliance. You’ve got something to sell and places to sell that something. Now it’s time to create order & structure. In the third blog of our SmartCFO series, you’ll lay more groundwork for the future growth stage. Financial Data Analyzing financial […]

Initial Business Setup – Tools, Systems, and Teams

Our second blog in the SmartCFO series continues to discuss some of the basics of business set up. This week, that includes decisions about tools, accounting systems, and team development. From this list you should have a better understanding about what to look for in your accounting software, inventory systems, and other internal tools to […]

Initial Business Setup – Structure, Sales, & Expenses

Yes, your product is awesome! But behind-the-scenes of every awesome product, you’ll need to ensure your business is set up to support you and your efforts on the entrepreneurial adventure. Things like your sales channels, support tools & systems, processes and your teams are all part of an important equation. Without these items, you’ll have […]

The Business Lifecycle – What Stage Are You In?

People often don’t realize that the lifecycle of a business involves so much more than deciding on a product, selling it, and then repeating. In reality, your business will go through a handful of phases from start to finish. You will have to make decisions in each phase, big and small. For this reason, it’s […]

Make Cash Flow Less Stressful

"When talking to potential clients and ecommerce sellers, I always ask about their biggest challenge. The most common answer is Cash Flow, which is likely the same for you. However, I believe cash flow is merely a symptom of the real problem. I enjoy helping ecommerce sellers understand this. Efficiently managing cash is crucial, but [...]

Assessing the Health of Your Ecommerce Business

In the past, I’ve discussed how to set up your Profit, Owner’s Comp, and Tax accounts using the Profit First method. But do you know how much to add to each account? Luckily, you don’t have to guess. You can use the Instant Profit Assessment instead. Know the Real Numbers Until now, I’ve only talked […]

Are You Ready to Pay the Tax Man?

Everything is so expensive right now. This week alone I got notifications from two software companies and my business insurance agency that their prices were going up. Not to mention the extra costs for gas and groceries. As if that’s not enough to manage, we have to be ready to pay our tax bill in […]

Can Business Habits be Profitable?

We’re all creatures of habit, and when you’re a business owner with a lot on your plate, falling into the habit of pushing things off until that last-minute during tax season can be pretty easy. However, when it comes to making a real profit continually, procrastination isn’t going to cut it. You need to be […]

Cyndi’s Latest Book Coming May 4th!

Cyndi’s New Book Is Almost Here I am thrilled to announce that my latest book, Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit will be available to purchase on May 4th, just in time for Mother’s Day! This book is perfect for that mom or soon-to-be mom who is considering starting a business (or already […]

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