eCommerce Bookkeeping

Learn to Speak Ecommerce with a Customized Chart of Accounts

Understanding financial statements can be challenging for many ecommerce businesses. It can feel like deciphering a foreign language without proper knowledge. Often, the issue lies not in your understanding, but in the suitability of the chart of accounts used. Standard accounting software may not be the best fit for an ecommerce business. That's where a [...]

New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

What are you hoping to achieve next year as an entrepreneur? Do you want more profit, more time with family, more sales, to learn a new skill or software tool? What is one thing you can do to make that change stick? Keep reading to get to know more about New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs. […]

Preparing for Year-end One Task at a Time

Last week, I began a 4-part blog series on preparing for the year-end and tax time. In this series, I’m outlining tips on how to prepare for year-end and tax time without the stress that typically plagues ecommerce business owners this time of year. How did you do with your tasks for Week 1? Let’s [...]
4th quarter key

Profit First and Parkinson’s Law—The Way to Conquer the Q4 Season

To ensure accurate and up-to-date financials, commit to regularly monitoring your numbers and ensuring proper allocation of funds and expenses. Implementing effective systems can streamline this task, requiring minimal time investment. However, if you approach it haphazardly each month, you risk relinquishing control over your time and money to Parkinson’s Law. You’ve heard me talk […]

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How Cash on Hand Affects Your Financials

As all good business owners know, the key to accurate financials is accurate data. What goes into those numbers determines what your financial reports are going to tell you. You want to ensure that you’re getting an accurate picture of your business’ current health. One thing I talk about quite often is cash on hand. […]

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