Tag Archives: amazon business

Quick Start to Profit First

A Quick Start to Profit First

Do you find yourself wondering how much of your Amazon payout should be set aside for your next inventory purchase? Are you struggling to keep track of upcoming supplier payments and upcoming credit card due dates? If these questions leave you scratching your head, it might be time to implement Profit First to take control [...]

Welcome to Ecommerce Recession-Proofing 101

The thought of recession looms over us all this year, but instead of sitting around worrying, why don’t we take action now? Let’s not wait to do the cleanup after the storm has wreaked havoc on our business. Instead, let’s reinforce the windows and stock up on what we need to help us weather the […]

Grow in the Business Owner Role

When I decided to write my latest book, Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit, I knew that there had to be other women out there who understood trying to be a good mom and a good business owner. At the beginning of my momtrepreneur journey, trying to juggle these two roles and their […]

Using Inventory Lab

How InventoryLab Can Help Your Amazon Business Right Now

Inventory Lab has been a great partner with bookskeep since 2016. In fact, we just passed our 5-year anniversary mark! They have generously allowed me to write for their newsletter and blog to ensure their customers are “in the know” about financial matters. They have hosted me several times on webinars. We have several clients […]

Selling business

Preparing Your Amazon Business to Exit Rich

Today we wrap up our blog series on exits with a review of a new book released at the end of last month, Exit Rich by Michelle Seiler Tucker and Sharon Lecter. While this book is not written specifically for ecommerce businesses, it is packed full of great information. Ms. Tucker draws from her vast [...]
FBA Private Market

Now is a Great Time to Sell Your Amazon Business!

Continuing our June blog series on exiting your Amazon business, we are thrilled to hear from Bill Evans, founder & CEO of FBA Private Market. This is a new platform that allows Amazon sellers to receive competitive offers from dozens of professional buyers at once. Let’s hear what Bill has to say! The Market for […]

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