Tag Archives: profit

How to Create a Profitable Product

Even if you don’t look at any of your other business numbers, the one that you should be looking at is Gross Margin. It’s important to know if your Cost of Goods Sold and the Cost of Sales is less than the Total sales by an amount big enough to fund operations, pay yourself and […]

Assessing the Health of Your Ecommerce Business

In the past, I’ve discussed how to set up your Profit, Owner’s Comp, and Tax accounts using the Profit First method. But do you know how much to add to each account? Luckily, you don’t have to guess. You can use the Instant Profit Assessment instead. Know the Real Numbers Until now, I’ve only talked […]

blue piggy bank

Make Profit the Habit in Your Ecommerce Business

One thing I find myself reminding people of over and over is that profit is not an event—a one-time, “Hey, I did it!” kind of thing that happens at tax time, if you’re lucky. To make real profit, consistently, it has to become your habit. Like anything else, if you have a plan and stick […]

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