
A Conversation Worth Sharing: Christine Cobb of The Amazon FBA Mastermind

Amazon FBA Mastermind

I had the privilege of engaging in a conversation with Christine Cobb, a key figure behind The Amazon FBA Mastermind: How to Start, Run, and Profit from Your Own Amazon Business, the course that currently fills me with enthusiasm.

bookskeep, renowned for its collaboration with numerous Fulfilled By Amazon and ecommerce clients, afforded me the remarkable opportunity to tap into Christine’s wealth of knowledge. Through self-teaching, careful observation, extensive research, and a few learning experiences along the way, she has established a thriving presence in the Amazon marketplace.

Embracing the Potential

In 2013, Christine recognized an opening after assisting her sister, Rebecca Wilcox (our first FBA client), in closing her brick-and-mortar store. Embracing the potential, they swiftly pivoted to selling on Amazon. Christine wholeheartedly immersed herself, diligently acquiring knowledge about long-term storage costs, tax-free prep centers, and effective pricing strategies. Her first year proved immensely successful, generating a remarkable $300,000 in gross earnings. By the second year, her Fulfillment By Amazon business introduced its inaugural private label product—an innovative Auto Coat Hanger.

Through her role as an instructor for the Amazon FBA Mastermind course, she extends her vast knowledge and expertise to individuals nationwide, igniting a sense of success and passion in each individual she interacts with. As expected, a substantial portion of her business revolves around meticulous data analysis and analytics.

Our conversation provided valuable insights for all businesses, not just future sellers.

  1. Embrace the ever-evolving nature of the business landscape and maintain a mindset of continuous learning. Approach your venture with unwavering dedication, treating it as a genuine business endeavor.
  2. Develop skills that enable you to accomplish tasks more efficiently and effectively.
  3. Recognize the unpredictability of the future. In the face of setbacks, focus on devising strategies to overcome obstacles and propel your business forward.

Together, Christine and Dr. Ellen Brit have collaboratively crafted this comprehensive four-week course based on their extensive expertise. Its resounding success in the past fills me with anticipation as I eagerly join the ranks of participants. Stay tuned for regular week-by-week updates, and for detailed information about the course, kindly visit

Post Author Cyndi Thomason


Cyndi Thomason is founder and president of bookskeep, a U.S.-based accounting, bookkeeping, and advisory firm for ecommerce sellers worldwide. She has a passion for data analysis and process development. She uses that passion to educate her clients and help them structure their businesses to maximize profits.

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