Profit First-Cash Management

Plan for Peace of Mind in Your Ecommerce Business

Cash management is a critical piece of owning a business and growth and success. That’s why it’s so important to analyze how you’re managing your cash and make a plan for the future. By doing this, you’re not only setting yourself up for success, but also making a back-up plan for times when business just […]

How to Create a Profitable Product

Even if you don’t look at any of your other business numbers, the one that you should be looking at is Gross Margin. It’s important to know if your Cost of Goods Sold and the Cost of Sales is less than the Total sales by an amount big enough to fund operations, pay yourself and […]

Represents the Parkinson's law in business

Profit First Can Save You from Parkinson’s Law

Proper allocation of funds and expenses is a vital aspect of business ownership. Establishing a reliable system ensures regular commitment and reduces time investment. On the other hand, improvising each month leaves you at the mercy of Parkinson’s Law, relinquishing control over both your time and money. Even if you’ve only been around for a […]

Make Cash Flow Less Stressful

"When talking to potential clients and ecommerce sellers, I always ask about their biggest challenge. The most common answer is Cash Flow, which is likely the same for you. However, I believe cash flow is merely a symptom of the real problem. I enjoy helping ecommerce sellers understand this. Efficiently managing cash is crucial, but [...]

Assessing the Health of Your Ecommerce Business

In the past, I’ve discussed how to set up your Profit, Owner’s Comp, and Tax accounts using the Profit First method. But do you know how much to add to each account? Luckily, you don’t have to guess. You can use the Instant Profit Assessment instead. Know the Real Numbers Until now, I’ve only talked […]

Are You Ready to Pay the Tax Man?

Everything is so expensive right now. This week alone I got notifications from two software companies and my business insurance agency that their prices were going up. Not to mention the extra costs for gas and groceries. As if that’s not enough to manage, we have to be ready to pay our tax bill in […]

Can Business Habits be Profitable?

We’re all creatures of habit, and when you’re a business owner with a lot on your plate, falling into the habit of pushing things off until that last-minute during tax season can be pretty easy. However, when it comes to making a real profit continually, procrastination isn’t going to cut it. You need to be […]

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