Tag Archives: profit first

How to Manage Inventory Without Financial Strain

As an ecommerce entrepreneur, managing inventory often feels like an endless cycle. Constant borrowing to fund inventory can strain your cash flow and make it difficult to achieve financial stability. Unlike brick-and-mortar stores, ecommerce businesses face unique inventory challenges, adding to the confusion. However, there are proven strategies to break free from this cycle. Let’s [...]

Conquer Q3 with Expert Ecommerce Accounting Tips

As we enter the third quarter next week, ecommerce businesses must focus on fine-tuning their financial strategies to ensure continued growth and profitability. Profit First provides a great set up to review your business and make sure you’re prepared for what’s to come. Here are some essential steps to help you navigate this Q3 with [...]

Roadmap to Summer Profits

As summer approaches, preparing your business for growth is much like gearing up for a road trip. Just as you ensure your car is equipped with gas, oil, and properly inflated tires, your business needs all the right things to thrive. Let's explore the essential financial tools that will serve as your business's GPS, ensuring [...]
Quick Start to Profit First

A Quick Start to Profit First

Do you find yourself wondering how much of your Amazon payout should be set aside for your next inventory purchase? Are you struggling to keep track of upcoming supplier payments and upcoming credit card due dates? If these questions leave you scratching your head, it might be time to implement Profit First to take control [...]
Invest wisely

Investing Profits Wisely: A Guide for Ecommerce Business Owners

As an ecommerce business owner, the decision to reinvest profits is critical for sustainable growth and long-term success. Let's explore why adopting a Profit First approach can benefit your business and how it sets the stage for strategic development.  The Impact of Profit Reinvestment  Reinvesting profits without a clear strategy can create a cycle of [...]

Why Profit First Might Not Work for You

If you’ve been here a while, and probably even if you haven’t, you know we're big advocates of Profit First. It's a system I use in my own business and modified it for my clients so I could write the book on Profit First for Ecommerce Sellers.   However, as much as I believe in its [...]

Plan for a Potential Crisis

Talk of recession seems to be taking over the ecommerce circuit even more as of late. Everyone is buckling down, trying to figure out how they can come out on the other side if the recession does hit. The best thing to do is plan, not panic, and the best way to plan is to […]

Give Yourself Some Credit

Some things are just better together, like peanut butter and jelly and ecommerce businesses and credit cards. In today’s financial world, little plastic cards have become the #1 tool, especially in ecommerce businesses. So, it makes sense that the first question I get when talking about Profit First is, “Can I still use my credit […]

An Itinerary for Permanent Profitability

When I grew up, we always stopped to eat at Lexington Barbecue when we went on a road trip. This restaurant started in 1962, the year before I was born. The founder, Wayne Monk, has prepared a barbeque for six sitting US presidents! It is still THE place to eat. A good friend of mine […]

The Road Map to Profit

Just do it. Swallow your pride, and use the GPS for directions! We all want an easy trip so we can enjoy the ride.  The best way to make sure that happens is to follow a proven path. You’ll be able to prepare for obstacles that might slow you down like accidents or slow-moving traffic, […]

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