Tag Archives: ecommerce business

Steps for Prosperity

Smart Steps for Year-End Prosperity

Now that we’re halfway through August, it’s time for mid-year client check-ins. This is just something I like to do to help clients evaluate their business's financial health. It’s a great way to review the first half of the year and wrap up the rest of it. Performing this check-up creates a solid foundation for [...]
Ecommerce Cash Reserve

Building an Ecommerce Cash Reserve Cushion

2023 is more than halfway over now, which means it won’t be long until were back to the busy selling season. While July may seem too early to even think about Q4 and busy holiday sales, the start of Q3 is the time to make your plan for an ecommerce reserve cushion. This means the [...]
Survival Plan Checklist

Survival Plan Checklist

Since the launch of Mike Michalowicz’ book, Fix This Next, I have used the diagnostic tool in the book to help me analyze and continually work on my business. The tool is a great resource for fixing problems, but it can also help you prepare for them so the impact is less when new problems […]

Is Debt Your Only Option?

I frequently hear discussion of debt in business, with arguments coming from both sides. While I do agree that debt can have its place in growing your business, it’s important to consider all the facts first. As we are potentially looking at a recession in the future, which could leave you tempted to take out […]

Plan for a Potential Crisis

Talk of recession seems to be taking over the ecommerce circuit even more as of late. Everyone is buckling down, trying to figure out how they can come out on the other side if the recession does hit. The best thing to do is plan, not panic, and the best way to plan is to […]

Ecommerce tech tools

6 Ecommerce Tech Essentials

As an ecommerce business owner, you probably spend a lot of time on your computer (I know I do). So, what is your tech stack and is it working for you? At bookskeep, we are experts on the software and accounting systems that you need to keep a business running smoothly, and we want to […]

Wrong move

Profit First Isn’t Your Best Move

If you’ve been around for even a couple of weeks, you know that we are all about Profit First here at bookskeep. I personally use it in my business and even wrote the book on Profit First for Ecommerce Sellers. It will always be my favorite recommendation to make, but there are times when even […]

A Ticking Time Tool

Most often, the first hire you should make is an assistant. A great assistant will make your life so much easier. Believe me, I know.  My first assistant was with me before my business even started. She worked with my husband when they both had corporate jobs. After she formed her virtual assistant business, she […]

Debt and Growth Meet in an Ecommerce Business

The typical argument I hear from my clients is that their business has to have debt to achieve growth. I understand where they’re coming from, but there are factors that need to be considered because not all debt (or growth) is created equal. You need to understand a few critical components of both debt and […]

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